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Charles, 32 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]
Bourges, France [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 144.
inactive user
Good luck with Korean!! I hope you like it as mush as I love it :)
inactive user
Do you like U-KISS?! Really?!
I love them too!!!! :D hehe.. And also Super Junior ^^
inactive user
lol I only stalk you ^ ^
ohh it's been a long time,bro.Where have you been?
Do you still use QQ?
I miss you like crazy T.T
inactive user
Hi Charles,I'm Yu.Sorry for replying so late.I've been very busy and forgot to come here.I hope you are ok.
Very nice to meet you.^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2014
Hey,that will be great,if u could help me with French:)
sorry for so late to reply:(
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2014
Salut! ca va merci :) moi j'ai appris francais un petit peu avant d'aller en france, que j'ai pris 1 cours de francais avant 3 mois, 3 heures par semaine, donc je parle a peine comme bonjours, merci, etc lol voila le reste j'ai tout appris en france, surtout qd j'etais a l'institution de francais.
et bien sur des que je finis mon service militaire, tout d'abord je reviendrai en tant que voyageur ac ma famille je compte, et puis apres j'aimerais vraiement vivre en france :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2014
It was wonderful.
inactive user
I mean I came xD
inactive user
the stalker came again.......... C:
inactive user
I miss youuu U.U
can't wait to talk to you today,I've got lots of things to tell you xD
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