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Charlie, 32 y.o.
Leeds, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 431.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2012
yo 8)
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2012
Hi. Lol well making new friends is good not matter where they live :P. I don't actually live in London I just put it because I couldn't find the county I do live in lol :).

Yeah trampolining is fun, my club takes it quite seriously though with conditioning and stuff :/
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
Makes sense. :P

I do get a little nervous when I meet new people or have to lead a group of people I haven't met before. It's quite hard to break that initial barrier when you first meet someone especially if it's just you or them.
Online it just seems waaaaay easier.
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
that's good. :)
well considering i stayed until 4am and walked home when it was light outside already, in the right company, i can be sociable. i just don't do well with people i don't know. :P i guess i don't tend to reveal much about myself to people i don't know well or don't feel like i have things in common with so i do find it hard to make new friends. i'm completely different online though. :D
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
It was the best!

I am definitely the opposite. I am very outgoing but I like either, big or small; I manage. :P

I have always been outgoing but that is just who I am. I just really like making friends and talking to people. :D
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
i know I wouldn't be able to fit in somewhere conservative either!
Yeah I went to Thailand and Laos for a month at the end of last year which consisted of budgeting and trekking and working within a village on a community project. There was only 1 teacher with us and they never told us what to do as we organised everything like food, transport and accommodation. It was fantastic!

Sounds like my kind of party. I don't really like the club music that you usually hear at parties. Not my thing.
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
Oh my gosh, Egypt sounds so cool! Sounds like an amazing time! I can't wait to travel lots once I have finished school. I haven't been to North America, Europe or Africa (continent wise) yet so I wouldn't mind going there at some stage in my life. Just have to get through this final year. :P

Yeah, it wouldn't be quite the same studying overseas if you weren't surrounded by lots of people and that culture.
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2012
Hey, :)
lol thanks
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
That sounds really cool! What part of North America were you thinking? US or Canada?
Egypt would have been pretty cool. What was it like? What kind of stuff did you do there?
inactive user
I don't believe that :D . I have a dynamics exams tomorrow too :( . I hate exams :( .
Anyway , I wish you and me good luck and success :)
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