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Angela, 26 y.o.
Manila, Philippines [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 83.
inactive user
Happy birthday!!
Sorry for late. Lol
But I just use interpals today
I hope you happy !!!
inactive user
I had school and i was so busy and maybe i forgot my password ^^ hahaha i missed you to, now we can togetter hate cake agian :D
inactive user
I'm sorry i was like dead for a looong time :( but i'm alive agian, CAKE HATERSS FOR EVER!!
inactive user
Heh, I just saw Marlie & me... XD It was too much for me to handle haha~ And I'm not even a dog person. o_o
inactive user
Great!! (^∇^)
I'm fine too ~ thanks.
Take care ~~~
inactive user
Long time no see ~ How are you?? ^___^
inactive user
Sniff sniff, I'm so proud of ya. :'3
inactive user
Ohh you're popular, everyone loves my senpai ~ ;w; Ganbatte!
inactive user
Never give up, senpai!! Steve wouldn't want that! D:
inactive user
Aaaw thanks!! ;3; You're the best senpai ever to notice me on my birthday! :D
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