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Inkgirl, 34 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 69.
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2010
hello hun how are you ?
not spoke for ages so just thought id send you a message to see how you are =)

hope you have a good weekend x
inactive user
I seem cool? Haha!
You do!
But thanks anyway :D

I'm fine, living my life xD

Btw, sorry for this late reply, I haven't been so active on this site for a long time:P
inactive user
Sorry for writing back that late but i had a lot to do for school. So tell me more about ur exams. Did they went well? I wish u all teh best!

Yeah i will grauate from school in about three months so i have to learn a lot for the rest of the time to have a good result in my final exams. Write now i am looking for a job. I would love to become an eventmanager and this tuesday i will have a talk in a company i send all my stuff too. I really hope that the talk will went well!

Any plans for the rest of this weekend?
inactive user
heyy how are you ?
how went the exams you've already sat?

good luck ! ;)

inactive user
well the thing is i'm really stressed before the exam, then i see the exam and i think i was stressing for nothing so i don't pay enough attention :s
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2010
Haha exactly. I want to go visit castles. I think that would be fun. Especially if they are supposedly haunted.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2010
I really don't know why I wanna go there either, I like places with history. But I agree with the whole different thing. That's why I wanna go to Egypt.
inactive user
Ou holidays are over too so i have to go back to school but I am happy seeing all my friends every day and right now i learn a lot for the final exams in April.I can not believe that the time at school is almost over but i apply for jobs and really hope to fin a good one if not i think about going to university.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2010
Well hopefully I'm traveling to Egypt this summer with my mom so I can get my fill of adventure for a while. If not, I'll just have to take a few more trips haha. I've always wanted to go to England and Europe just in general. I almost went to Italy a few years ago but I couldn't come up with the money.
inactive user
awww it sucks :s it's the opposite for me sometimes i'm so confidentthat i make stupid mistakes and loose marks because of that :s
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