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Karen-Nichelle, 30 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 89.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2010
how are you
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2010
inactive user
Yeah, we do ours in the summer though. Are you looking forward to it?
inactive user
Mine too. I'm a senior this year and a C/2nd Lt. I have a twin brother and he has been in it for four years and is the Cadet Commander. What about you?
inactive user
Wow that's pretty sweet. We don't have a military or Christmas ball. I've heard about them. But we have our change of command in December whenever we can get the auditorium. How long have you been in JROTC?
inactive user
We do our uniform inspections on Thursdays too. As far as PT, we don't do any. The 5k's are for kids that won't too. And we don't have field day. Last year we only had one compatiation. This year we're hopeing for two. I know some units have certin people who do drill, but we don't. It's whoever wants too. And we pratice for compations a mounth ahead. I wish we could do it all year round! Do you guys have a military ball?
inactive user
nothing much.
just slept throughout the day.
inactive user
We have around 80. We do a Vet's day parade ever year, we do a 5k every now and then, a road clean up, drill meets in the winter and the Major has a house with tons of land, so he lets the cadets come up and play woods ball. What about you guys?
inactive user
im fine and you?
my name is adam by the way :D
inactive user
Air Force. I see that your in Navy. I love my ROTC!! How many cadets do you have?
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