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Michi_Chan, 31 y.o.
Bnei Brak, Israel [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 105.
inactive user
i'm too tired to explain it now @@
maybe when u'll come here xD
inactive user
aww thanks michi<33
me love u :D
me sleeps >3<
nyam... why i have dolly's english now ._.
weirdo XD
inactive user
hello xD
nyahahahaha xDD
so what's up michi ":3 ???
Reply - Conversation - Feb 12, 2010

How are you??? I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner...things have been so crazy lately.

Message me when you get a chance....
inactive user
my love<33333lil uke xD
i have a headache from art==
kill me$@#$%@#$%#@$%@#
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2010
Ooh, thanks for watching.
Yes, it is weird. That's why it's so brilliant. It's my favorite film ever and it's ninety years old.
Yes, I must start reading Eclipse soon.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2010
Hi. Like my improved profile page? :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2010
Because we had a BIG fight and she got mad at me and knew that my laptop is important for me -.- That's why :< I hate it :<
But at least I passed the exam :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
I have a exam tomorrow and my mom took my laptop from me >_<
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2010
I know xD I have to write it today because I have so many homework for the friday and even one exam and I know that I'm not allowed to reply to any letters between February 1st and February 12th so I need to get things done soon >_<
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