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Jeremy, 32 y.o.
Berlin, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 130.
inactive user
inactive user
Cool page!!

inactive user
Es ist schade, dass dein Hals dir weh tut T-T well I think for Asians chinese is familiar one :DD haha so will you go to your friend\'s house? hope you have a nice time XD
inactive user
Hl :) today I had a German exam :P haha I also had a Chinese one - I think GErman is much more difficult than Chinese :D I like both languages haha :DD how are you these days?
inactive user
hahah I saw your new one! even heard your voice ! Final Fantasy XII sounds cool!!! >< I\'m on a midterm exam now soooo muede! :\'( SEe you !!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2008
Okay, but make sure you send it to me when it\'s done! >:D

I don\'t know how to make custom speeds, and I understand like half of what you\'re talking about xD Not because your english sucks, but I\'m a n00b who just plays for fun... xD We only have internet on one computer in this apartment, so when my brother has that one I play on the computer in my room. :D
But, um, explain the last part? xD Linear? Bf2 theme? (lol, I use the same theme as you had in those videos... XD)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2008
Okay, good to know, \'cuz I was planning to buy MGA. XD And I\'d probably suck at a card game.
I watched the youtube videos, we\'re about the same level at SM... =D Or I don\'t know, I never play with x2. >> And I never check how much feet the songs are or anything. Is your simfile uploded at Bemanistyle or some other site?
I\'ll download SM Online/4 when the computer is fixed, it has a virus now and it restarts automatically everytime you log in...>> So I\'m at mom\'s laptop now and she\'s afraid I\'ll break the keyboard if I play it. xD
Why thank you, and thanks for writing long messages :D *likes*
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2008
Well, I\'ve played for a long time but I\'m not that good at it... xD Hey, we should try SM online sometime. =D
And maybe I shoud get MGS (or whatever it was called in that version) for the PSP. Do you know if that\'s any good?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2008
Umm... Well... What kind of video games do you play, except DDR/Stepmania? (I love that game too... =D)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2008
Hiya~ =D
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