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Sam, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 56.
inactive user
Sammity sam! how are you lovely?! how was ur chrissy? Hehe love your photo, looks like a good night! was it a dress up party or do british chicks just enjoy doing their makeup alot hahaha x x x
inactive user
Ello again ja the weather is rainy for now but mostly it is sunshine all year round. How have you been? No i don't have msn
inactive user
Hey how are you? I see your learning afrikaans, if you want to I can asist you
inactive user
doing good and you? i would love some assistance with spanish
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2008
U don't pay bord, I wish I had parents like urs. I will HAVE to pay when I go to college. But they do pay my fone bill at least until I get a proper job.
U wanna b a holiday rep, kwl.
I just wanna go to uni, maybe then move to Ireland or South Africa.
inactive user
HeY! Yes I would gladly help you with some Afrikaans words and fun things. What are you hoping to learn from it? Oh i see you want to libe in SA. That's good you'll love the weather!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2008
So you're not still @ skool. Cool, you get that much even tho you only work part time. Wow.
So if your not still in skool do you have to pay board, my parents are gonna make me when I leave skool.
Yeah and other than travel what do you want to do?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2008
Hey there... sure
What you wanna know?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2008
I wanna go round ALL of africa, especially Tanzania, Kenya, Nambia, South Africa, Morrocco etc. I wanna go to India and see the ganges, China just to see how many people actually live there, Austrailia and New zealand. Puerto Rico, the carribbean (jamaica, T&T. And finally I wanna go to both the ROI and Northern Ireland then Edinborough I wanna go to uni there or in Dublin so.
So My trip is gonna be much more expensive than yours, basically I jst wanna see different parts of the world. I'm gonna do a bit before uni then some after when I have got myself sorted after uni. How are you gonna do your trip?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2008
Anyway, you said you want to travel, so other than africa, where else do you want to go?
(And your profile pic is great by the way!)
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