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Victor Lim, 34 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1231.
inactive user
Happy birthday, Victor! Even though it was yesterday...LOL.
inactive user
Sorry for replying too late!!
Thanks :DD Yeah I'm still playing the guitar in my band! And we had a concert few weeks ago haha :))
inactive user
Hey! Nice to meet you Victor :) Of course we can be friends. How are you btw?
inactive user
Hey Victor,
I miss you too. I was just thinking about you recently. You're really a good guy compared to some of the other guys I met online and in person. I wanted to wish you a late happy birthday since your birthday was just recently. I'm seriously sorry about that. I've been too busy with my own life.
inactive user

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D :D Hope you're having fun in Russia! ^_^
DASVEDANYA! (<-- not spelled right? haha)

Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2011
inactive user
Hey Victor,
I haven't talked to you in a while man! How's it been? I've been out of work for a few months now. My training job at the hospital ended and everything and I've been searching for work. What's been going on with you lately?
inactive user
Vicctorrr I miss uuu!! whats going onn??? are u back home from Russia?? :D

inactive user
Hey Victor,
How have you been? I went to this amazing buffet earlier today called Hibachi Grill. It's across town from me now. The food is amazing. I enjoyed everything I had. I now realize why people like sushi. I had a few pieces of it and it was good. And trust me I'm not a big fan of sweet and savory, but it tasted pretty vinegary and sweet, but combine that with soy sauce and you have an amazing taste.
inactive user
heyy u know?
i really wanna hear your voice x) but u r too shy ♬><!!!!try to talk kkk~~~!!!

kkk i am happy to hear that lol
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