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Yu-won Kim, 30 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1879.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2013
Heyyy! I don't know if you still remember me but how are you doing? :)
inactive user
Yuwon, really, message me when you will be online. It's annoying that I still don't have pack from you, especially when I send pack for you first, and it wasn't cheap.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2013
Have you got my letter?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2013
i wish to have a snail mail friend from Korea!!!
will u be mine??
inactive user
Okay, so I'm waiting :)
inactive user
Hi :>
Do you send pack already? I'm asking because I don't know if I should wait for this in this week or in next..
inactive user
Lol no it's ok ^^'
I'm late too..
Ah thank you, well I don't really have something to ask about it right now ^^'
Uhm.. I don't really know what to say to get a great start conversation... Are you in university ? What are you interested about ? :)
inactive user
Annyeong! (:
My name is vanessa from germany! Nice to see you here! (:
I read your profile and it sounds reaaally interesting! I want to learn more about the korean culture and a little bit of the language (:
And I'm also interestet on a Snailmail friendship! (:

Nice Grettings from the cold and snowy germany!
yours vanessa
inactive user
Hey Yuwon, you definitely sound like a great girl to talk to :) I'd love to talk to you if you like and well, we could become good friends! This is Nana, and I'm a 20 year-old student majoring in East Asia Studies, who is going to Korea as an exchange student in September. I love photography, music, going out and well... Anything :D
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