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Arash, 34 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 131.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2012
Hey Arash!
Good morning.
Iran is the most fascinating country for me (I don't know exactly why, really!).
I'm looking forward to learn Persian.
I don't want you to exactly teach me, this is kind of impossible...
But it's nice to make friendship with someone who belongs to a country about which I read news everyday...

How are things in your city, boy?
inactive user
uhhhh not unless I read the newspaper...which I havent done since june >.> ahha during the summer I do nothing
inactive user
Yes I am studying Business and Asian Studies :) But my Asian Studies are more directed towards Eastern Asian like Korea, Japan and China :(
inactive user
lol what?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2010
9karetam....che khabar dar tabriz? Tobestoon dareh tamoom misheh nah?
inactive user
Hanefiyim. sen nesin? ya da bu mezhepler ne? müslüman değil miyiz sonuçta mezhebe ne gerek var?
inactive user
not bad im counting minutes to eat iftar is soon u?
inactive user
hi I'm fine thanx how are you?

thank u yours too)
inactive user
19 mayıs benim memleketimde.şuan da Samsundayım.buraya gelirsen memnun kalırsın.gayet hoş bir şehir çünkü :) ve üniversitede kaliteli.
inactive user
senin dediğin konu hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyorum maalesef..
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