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Bella, 31 y.o.
Lynchburg, United States [Current City]



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Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 8, 2008
hey! :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2008
lol or rather it's a much different kind of a bond lol it's kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation with a baby or toddler lol trust me i understand completely where you're coming from there!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2008
only one really, and that's the oldest, crystal (28 years old) she's the one who never moved out so she could take care of my mom. i was and am definitely very close to her, but my other siblings not so much. i think it's the difference in our ages and that two of the three of them are going through their most stubborn early teen years, and they just think i'm trying to boss them around all the time. the youngest is just really independent and rambunxious so he's always off playing something i didn't spend too much time bonding with him since he was out of kindegarten.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2008
my sister esther (the one i live with now) is almost twice my age. she is 31 now, and i am 16.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2008
thank you for that bit about my mom, most people just say "oh, i'm sorry that's horrible" but they don't go beyond that or think about what that means for my mom's possible health issues in the future, it's nice to know there are people out there who care even for people they don't know.

i do like living with my sister but i also miss home. i don't think i've ever actually lived with her long enough to remember what living with her is like though because i was very young when she moved out. but it's turned out alright, it does get a bit awkward at times though because we don't know each other as well and haven't yet built a "sisterly bond" of sorts lol

all of my siblings have moved out except for the three youngest and the third oldest, she stayed to take care of my mom after she got "sick".
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2008
no, i was born in lake havasu city, arizona, then i moved from arizona to nevada a couple of times, then when i was 7 my mom had 2 strokes and a heart attack but lived but if we stayed in arizona she would have died and if she stayed with my dad her blood pressure could have gone up too high and killed her because they were always fighting even after her strokes and heart attack, so she divorced him and her, my older sister crystal and the 6 youngest of us moved to california. one of my brothers ended up moving back in with my dad but the rest of us stayed, and now i live in washington with my oldest sister and her boyfriend so i can get my teeth fixed.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2008
my family ups yours in age that's for sure! my oldest sister starts it off - Esther (31), Thad (30), Crystal (28), Ashley (26), Mark (25), Michael (22), Caleb (18), Me (16), Ruth (14), Jeff (13), and Jordan (10). 6 boys and 5 girls. my mom is 51 and my dad is like 56 or 58 i'm not sure. what about your parents?

out of the harry potter movies that have come out i like the third one the most as they get farther up the list i start to not like the movies as much because with the books generally getting longer they have to squish everything into the movies and i feel like they loose a lot of important parts. but i do like the seventh book the most i think.

me too as pride and prejudice goes!!! that was the first one i saw and i've loved it to death since then so when i saw the kiera knightley version i was very dissapointed. i thought she did good but everyone else in the movie completely sucked in comparison. she can't really compare honestly, but standing next to the rest of that cast she was phenominal in my eyes lol. still the 6 hour one beats her version without lifting a finger!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2008
Well, basically you have to first of all do well in school- they only accept good students. Also, you just have to find a program that works for you, contact them, and fill out an application. C: I'm going through
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2008
cool, and yes, americans DO have an accent, but i think what part of america your from!
so, i was looking for snail-mail? do u mind?
anyway, we can message on this for a while if u want!
oh yeah, my names robert!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2008
great thank you! what do books do u like to read?
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