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Charlotte, 33 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 76.
inactive user
my name is Jo i'm 21y.o
from in korea i live in Sydney,Australia~!haha
I was going to study English in Australia
Australia arrived in 3 weeks ~~>_<
So I want to make friends ~

You reply to my message: I am happy to give
You are my friends if you
i'm so~good luck
inactive user
my name is Jo i'm 21y.o
from in korea i live in Sydney,Australia~!haha
I was going to study English in Australia
Australia arrived in 3 weeks ~~>_<
So I want to make friends ~

You reply to my message: I am happy to give
You are my friends if you
i'm so~good luck
inactive user
Ahhh, a formal - that should be pretty good. I have my formal in 25 days. I wasn\'t going to go but now decided to. Heh. So yeah, hope you have a good time. Tonight I actually have my brothers 25th, so that should be awesome too. Sounds like we\'ll both have interesting Saturday nights. Hehe. So yeah, I need to go now, but leave me a message and tell me how your formal was. ;) Cya later Charlotte.
inactive user
Hey Charlotte, great to hear from you again! And it\'s great to hear you had a good time. Anything particularly interesting happen lately? My week\'s been ok. Nothing overly great has happened. Just school and such, you know. :)
inactive user
Hey Charlotte! Don\'t forget to tell me when you\'re back! ;)
Thanks, the exams are over now though. So yeah. Hope you have fun at the camp, enjoy yourself. :)
inactive user
yeah it is a nice city!
inactive user
yep , last year with my class!
inactive user
hi Charlotte
im fine :D
did u got my message?
inactive user
yeah london is kinda nice!
inactive user
Oh my! Why 8 days off!? And where are you going? You lucky girl! I\'m stuck here doing exams! Hehe.
Yeah, today was going fine. Until I got dragged into playing a football game in the rain, and now I have a cold. I guess it wasn\'t one of my smartest choices lately... Hehe. How about you? How\'s your start to the week?
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