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David, 33 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
inactive user
I am German, Venezuelan, and Chinese but born in America. I only know English and Spanish, and very little German. No Chinese :( But I want to learn!
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2014
Sydney or Melbourne are better regarded for finance related coursework. ANU is a strong research university but not so well known for finance.
inactive user
No not at all, you won't be a bother...practice all you need with me
inactive user
In my opinion Spanish is not harder than English, because it uses almost the same alphabet learning spanish can be the same as learning English. Especially if you have someone to practice with
inactive user
Don't be sorry, I'm interested in many cultures lol. Oh and I am a native spanish speaker, but I do take spanish in school to perfect it
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2014
Racism here is unlikely to come from your classmates. So long as you don't segregate yourself from the main student body you won't have trouble fitting in.

As always, people respect strength and courage. Australian men are taught to be tough from a young age and to value physical performance. So long as you can play rugby, wrestle, know how to throw a good punch and drink lots of beer people will like you. If you can't they'll call you a girly man.
inactive user
Yes, I'm American. I didn't notice it lol thank you.
inactive user
Nice to meet you.
inactive user
you are right~ Hmm, yeah of course. I think most changes in the arrangement of the city. It became more more convenient for people with disabilities, for example
inactive user
Ahah that was funny moment , i guess :)
I am glad you like that, it is very important to Russia ~
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