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Antonio, 35 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 113.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2014
Oh when were you in Tokyo?
Now it's too sticky to be in Japan, in summer.. you might be missing summer though sometimes it's too much, I prefer dried summer as in Eurpean countries.

You will find good taste clothes to fit you, looks cool!

Actually I found it the nearest airport has a direct flight to Helsinki, is only one to Europe near my place, and also want to see some nice street and shops as well there.
Yes I don't imagine how much cold it is there!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2014
Oh did you find something nice in Shibuya?
Hmm about my place, it's not for tourists I think so even I'd love to visit Tokyo as a tourist yes.
By the way I've tried to visit Helsinki, is nice for you?
inactive user
Keep going man! You'll make it, maybe ;)
Well I know slash is soooooooo great, I don't know how're you, so all I can do is saying, keep going man ! Hahahaha
Good night or good day. Whatever it is
inactive user
Well, you're almost there :)
Really cool
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2014
Thanks for Visting my Profile:)
Have a nice day!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2014
You're welcome :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2014
You may ask for permission and steal quickly. Especially cookies :D
In Russia price is frequently higher cause retailes try to make it look like "luxury goods". iPhones, for example, are 2-3 times more expensive, that anywhere.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2014
Wow, in Russia price's the same. I thought it would be cheaper. oO
Hm, you can steal cookies. Or autograph. Or...Friends advice me that stealing someone's woman or towels from the hotel is also not bad :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2014
If that's not a secret, how much does it cost in Finland?
Well, anyway, stealing is bad but it depends on what do you steal... :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2014
It's bad to steal things after all. I'd better buy. It worth buying for sure ^^
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