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Ryan, 33 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 338.
inactive user
I'm goood, although stressing a little bit, exams coming up :( :(
inactive user
heya thanks for the view :)
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2009
Hey! You seem really fun and interesting to talk to! :D You seem more like the rocker type though. o_0 Sorry for the randomness! I'm Henny, by the way. Ciao~ :]
inactive user
I'm fine thank you:)
Just went back to school today, school was usual.

I live in new south wales.....
inactive user
i'm Liana and i live i Australia.
How r u doing?

Is wakeboarding fun?
inactive user
ohh well thats nicee
inactive user
Oh haha and how is it going? Can you still do a proper job?
inactive user
Haha huh oke, if it's a cool job.. lol
I also need a job but I don't want to work in a supermarket and that's only you can do if you're 15..
inactive user
Oooh haha oke! what kind of work do you do?
inactive user
hey! hows Australia?
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