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Minor, 34 y.o.

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Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 216.
inactive user
mambo vipi?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2014
Asante ndugu! Pole kwa ukawa wangu, nimekuwa nikishughulika sana siku hizi
Mara nyingi nasoma hadithi za Mzee Biti Zaira Binti Swaleh Abdallah kama "kidudu kiwi", "sultani mjeuri" ama "watoto wa mapungupungu". Unaweza kusoma hadithi hizo katika "Hadithi za Kiswahili" kwa Pascal Bacuez
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2014
Ha ha asante, ndio mwaka mmoja tu. Najaribu kusoma hadithi za Kiswahili "as often as possible" (I don't know how to say that)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2014
Hey Boss ! Nataka kusoma Kiswahili sababu lugha hii naipenda sana. Naanza kukijifunza mwaka uliopita kwa ajili ya "Siri ya Mtungi", show hiyo unaijuaje ? Nahitaji saada tu : )
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2014
Hujambo ! Naitwa Willy, ningetaka kusoma sema Kiswahili zaidi. Habari yako Man ? : )
inactive user
haha yea, i can imagine the tragedy that might hapen. and i fully agree, i love ktichen lol. like the only room in a house that is designed to nuorish us xD
inactive user
You know there is a saying in life that you have to teach something that you need to learn lol. So basically i am studying nutrition because i have zero knowledge about food and i suck at cooking xD i really do. People remember my fiod firever, because i **** it up to the extent that people keep joking about it for years. So sorry, if u ever come over, i am afraid i wont be able to treat u a tasty mealxD what about u? Do u have any food wisdom?;)
inactive user
Really?;) you like it there? Well france is french xD i sm not dure if its good or not;)
inactive user
Howz poland?;)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2013
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