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JO, YOUNGCHAN, 36 y.o.
Changwon, South Korea [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 340.
inactive user
lol well thats good keep practicing and you will do better:)
oh wow really ur gonna be busy for those few days lol and you know montreal and toronto are far from halifax haha
i live in toronto:) its a big city u might not see it all in one day ehhe
yess that would be nice we will see im not to suree though lol
inactive user
oh thats kool how are ur english classes going?
are you planning on travelling anywhere else in canada?
inactive user
Yess it was good but it was very hot i think to hot for me lol
im happy to be back in toronto though:D
how have you been are you still in halifax?
inactive user
heyyy i know its been a while how have you been? hows ur stay in canada?
i have been good i just got bak today from a vacation to las vegas:)
so thats why i took a while to reply to you im srry about that
hope you been good talk to you soon
inactive user
I live in north Eastern Pennsylvania
inactive user
that's soooo cool.
I heard it gets super cold in halifax
inactive user
I've been alright...just busy.
I've been studying them like
inactive user
Hey :)
inactive user
Oh Tim Horton's, nice!! Can you get me an extra large double double please? :P Actually coffee would be really good now!
I'm glad you are enjoying life in Halifax. ust wait until Canada Day! Less than 2 months away now!
So have you many any new friends in Hlaifax yet?
inactive user
heyy how are ou? longg time no talk lol how is everything? how is ur english classes going? hope ot hear from you soon
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