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Owen mondragon, 35 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2027.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2013
Hey!!! How have you been? I'm doing well thanks. What's new for you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2012
Happy belated birthday
inactive user
Summer is coming and I got summer job.

Have you had gigs with your band?
inactive user
Hey you, how are you doing, Anything special?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2011
hey stranger! sorry I haven't written to you in a loooong time! I hope you are doing well! I've finished both of my triathlons and now I'm moving on and doing just running events for the rest of the year! woohoo! I'm really loving it! I was hoping to do a few more triathlons, but there aren't really any that fit into my schedule... Hows the recording and what not coming along?
inactive user
Heyo, added you finally on facebook ;-) Hope you're doing ok?!
inactive user
haha thanks. It was funny I went to this concert in the park yesterday (I just wanted funnel cake) and I was wearing only one in. And after I got my funnel cake I was waiting with my friend because he wanted ice cream. And this lady was like starring me down hardcore, I saw her out the corner of my eyes. And my friend was like 'Oh she was born that way.' :P it was funny. I had my glasses halfway down my nose so it kinda looked true.
inactive user
haha thanks :D
Yessssssss, they finally came in, I've been waiting months for these. They are my new ones :D
inactive user
Thanks for the picture comment! :) I thought it was pretty awesome too!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2011
Hey sorry for not responding to your last message, I kinda suck at life don't I? Well I hope all is well with you and your recording with your music. is it up on itunes yet? Have anything fun planned this weekend? My triathlon is coming up quick! Less than a month away! yay. how are the blueberries? or have you moved on to strawberries now?
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