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Yun-jung, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 231.
inactive user
thanks for your comment on my picture. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2010
Hi!! Thanks for your message on my wall. I'm glad :)
Pinka? I guess it's not your real name.
You're impressed of my profile? really?
I'll be delighted to know more about you!
inactive user
long time no see :-) I hope you are doing fine? :-)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2009
Haha, nice to see your messages again. Things have actually been pretty hectic lately, there is so many things that I have to study for in college. I'm having a hard time keeping my grades up to haha. But Still, I'm going to keep studying very hard. So you work at a convenient store? That's cool, which one? Yeah it's still, very cold down here, but it is still spring so the weather is pretty weird this year. It's a good thing your teacher is Canadian instead of Brittish, now you can listen to real English lol. Canadians speak much like Americans. She is probably either Asian Canadian or she is half Oriental and Half Caucasian. Really? Why is it so hard to believe? Lol but yeah, I haven't kissed anyone yet. Probably for the same reasons you have. Don't worry, I'll be fine in the cold, as long as I drink hot cocoa lol.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2009
Yo pinka lol, I'm very cold right now because the weather in Oklahoma is terrible. It is cold, raining, and windy at the same time, so many students do not go to class today haha. I didn't want to go to class either but I have to. lol I'm not an angel, I just say what I feel, but thank you anyway haha. No I don't smoke, I don't really feel like I need to, and even if I wanted to I don't have money for it. I do not have a problem with people that smoke though, because many of them are nice people, but I don't smoke lol. If a girl offers a cigarette and the guy smokes, the guy will be happy and accept the cigarette, if does not smoke he will politely decline the offer, that is it.

Good Luck in your training!!! You can do it! lol erotic game, haha well you don't have to play the game if you don't want to, but I don't think they would force you to play it, and no one should look down upon you for not wanting to play it, it is your choice. So don't worry about it. Haha really? That is kind of cute actually how you are saving your first kiss, many people don't value their first kiss as much as you do, I think it is very cute. Actually I have never kissed anyone before either. So I know how you feel haha.

inactive user
Ah good that you smiled!!!
Why is everything bad? Your school? Family? Friends? How come
Of course not!! Asian girls have beautiful hair!! Well, of course it won't be as beautiful as Sun Ye and Lee Hyori, because they have hair dresser, but I'm sure it will suit you!!! Layered hair with a fringe (or a lock) ! I think you should try!
Wow M.T!!! that seems so cool! I love sports but there aren't things like that here! It's like P.E; or something else?
Errrr, that's not really a kiss!! A real kiss isn't just like that , it's something else ;) don't worry! You'll tell me how it was! I mean the M.T!! lol
No boyfriend for you too -___-
Haha thanks for saying that, you made me laugh! But the fact is that boys don't approach me, so I'm not that attractive! Err, in France I don't have much success, maybe I should try in Korea?! :P haha just kidding!!!!
Actually I didn't have many boyfriends,very few few........
Well what will you do this Week end?!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2009
heys! i am ceren =)
nice to meet u^^
how are u??
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2009
Hey Pinka haha I'm doing good! I've been very busy and I have many tests this week, I should study a lot, but I really don't want to haha. It's spring in Korea now to? That's pretty cool, I wish we had Cherry Blossoms in Oklahoma, we don't have this tree. I think that Sakura trees are very pretty when they bloom, but unfortunately I have never seen one in real life. I honestly like the winter, when it snows and is very peaceful and white.

Ahhh, hey don't worry about it, 20 years old is not old!!! I agree with you in that I think beautiful things are best enjoyed together with someone special, but if you were to imagine the feelings of a Sakura tree, think about it. Why does a Sakura tree look beautiful? Because it want's it want's to make the people that look at it feel happy and warm. Maybe you are alone right now, but I think a Sakura tree would feel happy that such a nice pure person enjoys watching it. So you should not feel sad watching it by yourself, you will not be alone for ever. And you have lots of time to the person you want to spend your life with. I think it is best for you to concentrate on becoming the best person that you can be in the meanwhile for your future boyfriend. So don't feel bad, you still have a lot of time haha.

I study "International Area Studies" it is just "Study of other countries". Yes, I am a very easy going person, but sometimes this makes me lazy lol. No problem, you put a lot of effort into learning English, so understanding what you want to say is not that hard.

inactive user
ooh and how are your doing now? Is your Uni life ok?
I'm fine thanks, a little bored because some of my teachers are on strike, it's been 6 weeks now -___- I feel a little lonely, no boyfriend, what about you? Do you have a boyfriend? Or maybe you don't have time with your Uni life?
Well as for your hair, long hair seem to suit you very well, so I would advise you not to cut them, you have smooth and beautiful hair!
Maybe you can do something like that ==>

or something like that =>

( sorry for the picture, that's the only picture I could find with that beautiful hairstyle)

So what do you think? you're lucky to have beautiful Asian hair, you can have great haircut!
inactive user
Hey you!
it's been a while!
what happened to you?!!
I hope you're fine!!!
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