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Roberto, 31 y.o.
Amsterdam, Netherlands [Current City]
Milan, Italy [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2020
Heeeyyooo!! Whats up? :D
inactive user
Robywan Kenobi
Reply - Conversation - Apr 17, 2018
hi guy
inactive user
Sama-sama :) have a nice weekend
Thanks for the comment. Can you speak Bahasa Indonesia? Anyway I'm Efa from Jakarta, nice to meet you Roby
inactive user
Cool! Italian and Indonesia roots :)

Greetings from Indonesia!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2016
I know the feeling. I'm Indonesian and from Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan but we rarely speak in Dayak language at home. I get teased sometimes because I can't really use my own tribal language. I'm happy that now I work for a tour and travel company that offers tours to local villages. My Dayak language has improved cause I get chances to practice it with local people everytime I go to these places. So yeah, saya juga mau bantu kamu kalau kamu mau.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2016
Do you use Indonesian with your mom?
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