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Richard, 43 y.o.
Dordrecht, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 288.
inactive user
what a beautiful dog!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2016
Pretty cool dog
inactive user
i Like your Dog
dog is very hot beautiful
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2016
****o you have so cute profile.
inactive user
What an adorable profile picture. :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2016
Hello from Thailand, this country is except your requests
inactive user
However, nice owners claimed their dogs are, in an instant, a turn can happen. And, although there are sensible owners of such breeds, who muzzle them in public, there are so many who don't and this has resulted in deaths and maulings. They are too risky and they should be destroyed and banned. I apologise if this offends you. It is my view.
inactive user
I don't agree. It is in the dog. Those dogs should be destroyed and banned and harsh, draconian measures put on the owners of banned breeds.
inactive user
How come Dogos are legal there? They are banned here. Are many dogs banned there?
inactive user
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