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Tatiana, 31 y.o.
Châteauroux, France [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 148.
inactive user
I've taken lessons in violin for six years, and in piano for 1 year.

Three years ago I began to teach myself guitar, mandolin and ukulele :D

Anything with strings, I love to play it!
inactive user
Hah :)

So you're a musician? How long have you been playing those instruments?
inactive user
Hi! How are you doing?? I'd love to have a chat with you, you seem quite interesting and we share more than a few tastes in music :D
inactive user
Hi! I'm Paul. You're very cute. I'd like to meet you. We live in the same city so why not?! ^^ T'aurais pu me dire que tu draguait des p'tits américains sur InterPals! x)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2009
A ilttle tired too because of fact that i went so late yesterday to sleep. ^^ What are you doing in your life?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2009
Hello ;)
How are you? :)
Thats nice to meet you ;)
inactive user
im good haha kinda bored rite now lol
inactive user
Salut Tatiana!
COmment vas tu?Do you like living in France?Where do you live insisde the country?Tus fotos sont trés belles!Have you ever been to Hungary?What are your hobbies?Well,good night for you!
inactive user
lol awesome! :D
how r u
inactive user
wats up
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