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Steffi, 29 y.o.
Munich, Germany [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 601.
inactive user
Steffiiiii !
Ca fait longtemps que tu m'as écrit. Je suis vraiment désolé. Le jour où j'ai vu ton commentaire, je n'ai pas pu te répondre directement. Et avec le temps, j'ai oublié. Tu m'en veux ?
inactive user
hii! i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply, i've been so busy and haven't really come on interpals! how are you? : )
inactive user
hey thanks for posting something on my wall :)

im , fine thank you !
Und dir ? <--- if i'am correct in my german :p
inactive user
Salut Steffi !
I'm doing good, what about you ?
inactive user
Yeah, you got loads of time. I want to be a writer or an archaeologist. Eh, maybe even a history teacher:) I love history, haha, obviously
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
Well, Stefii, how many borhters have you got? :D
Nice to meet you!
In fact, I will go to the cinema now, it's 20pm here, what about Germany?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
Heep Steffi! :D (Stephanie?)
To tell the truth, good day who is exhansting :D What about you?
I'm Anissa.
inactive user
HAHA so i did spell it right WOO HOO!!! haha and cool
inactive user
day of the dead bread (YUMMY!!) Churros (hehe cant spell) and .... i do not know what the other thing was called but it was really good
inactive user
Mayybe a counselor or psychiatrist? Or teacher?
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