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Tanapat, 29 y.o.
Sa Kaeo, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 612.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2015
Un poco cansada :/ Pero bien también. ¿Qué hay de nuevo? :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2015
Hola! Mucho gusto, cómo estás? :)
inactive user
hello!!!! thanks for visiting my page!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2014
I miss you toooo . hahaaa ^_^
inactive user
Aye! How's the weather in Thailand?
inactive user
Great! And you? :)
inactive user
Hello what's up? Thanks for dropping by. :)
inactive user
Err... no, unfortunately. I just stay inside the country! I'd love to go abroad someday but it's just not really important for now. And, you're welcome!
inactive user
Years and years of practice. Despite all the insults. Keep on with the basic conversation at first, grammar >> later! Books and DVDs can help you, believe me!
inactive user
Oh, yeah! I forgot! Haha
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