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Westy4life, 42 y.o.
Auckland, New Zealand [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2014
I fell asleep and woke up with it. It's crazy as.
inactive user
Yeah it's just a random cartoon, pretty funny when drunk or chilling with friends bored :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2014
Hi m8,
it's been here about three months. I'm in christchurch now. trying to get used to :)
inactive user
You too westy4life, how are you??
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2012
I guess Kansas is geographically close to the nw part of Arkansas, but I don't know many people who visit Kansas because it's nearby, haha. Oklahoma and Missouri are closer are more desirable places, but Kansas is right after them physically. Pronunciation wise, they're different, and Arkansas is pronounced with a silent "s" at the end due to the French history of the state.

And 72% of my state voted for Romney, I believe, so all of Arkansas's electoral votes went towards him. So there was a great deal of local mourning Tuesday night, hehe. (Not from me) But yes, it's a very conservative/republican/religious right state and part of the country, but we're actually getting closer to the middle compared to most of the bible belt here. We came really close to legalizing medical marijuana that night too, but we missed it by about 2 or 3% I think. Very close.
inactive user
lol yeah, i read up on him once, apparently making that film was one of his most memorable times and he loved doing it
inactive user
Thank you for your comment on my wall. Your profile photo is cute.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2012
they're just called longboards dude, they're just for cruising around :) u get street luge's too but u lie down on them. the original idea for a skateboard was a surf board with some roller skates screwed to the bottom! came a long way since then lol
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2012
Groups of Korean pop singers. Like some girl groups, boy bands..
inactive user
Alright dude =D , yes it does
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