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Sandra, 28 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
I learned English since i was 10.
But, i can't speak English well.
Korea English education put the focus such as reading, grammar and listening .
so, do not learn practical conversation.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2011
woow! I just have 3 friends in the school that like kpop but they are in Final semester and Im in the first semester xD in my class just like rock and... you know popular music xD Im the Anormal person there xD they always saying "YOUR KOREAN'S SOCKS" or "JUST DONT TALK ABOUT KOREAN'S" xD but I love my friends... we have some diferent's opinions but I love them! :D and my school for the only reason that the students get a scold is because they dont use the uniform correctly... the uniform is BLUE! so... we cant use a sweater pink or black... it have to be BLUE! i hate that... if we listen music, play the guitar, run, scream or do other thing... they dont say nothing well the perfects or teachers xD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2011
jajaja! in my school no... i use it in class but... i know that i need to pay atention! xD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2011
yes! I have a friend who also went to the SM and bring me a lot of videos and presents also de palito of SM of SHINee and she call me when she saw a Eunhyuk oppa! :D jajaja I just heard "AAAAAAAAAA" xD was so funny! yes! 2NE1 is wonderful! i dont know... I LOVE THEM! :D omo! yes! i have is: Aleeok Im always there! excep when Im in the school xD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2011
OMO! yess IM SO HAPPY! :D jajaja FANGIRLING! :D wow, so... you are cool you can speak two lenguages! :D I cant with spanish and the school want that be a master with english! they're crazy! xD wow! SUJU! I love SUJU well My friends and I will do a FLASHMOB so... I learn all the MV's of SM! TT im tired in saturday's! xD also I love dramas, I buy like a crazy the doramas! :D they're my life also my CD'S :D and I love 2NE1 is my bias for girl groups xD OMO! why you dont enter to Korean class? tienes las posibilidades... TT :D necesitas pasarme tu correo mujer! :D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2011
LOL! :D that's cool! Im from the south but... can you speak spanish? That's interesting.... I think is awesome to learn to lenguages because the parents are from some diferent country xD well Im not good at English if I wrong tell me... xD YES! I have many band I like.... some that you said and others I love DJ DOC! xD but MY BIAS ARE FT ISLAND AND SHINEE! :D i just already buy some cd´s on ebay of B2st, 2pm, FT and Shinee xD I want to learn korean but in my country dont have Korean clases TT so... I learn on Internet by myself :D tell me some about you... OMO! Im so happy... we can FANGIRLING if we want! :D jajaja
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2011
Hi! :D Im from méxico, and I really love korea and Kpop! :D tell me... what bands do you like? My bias are SHINee and FT Island!
inactive user
thanks ><
how r u?? :)
inactive user
hi! my name is Eunji!
not good...
because i have a cold...
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